Tag Archives: Stock

Chicken Stock & Pumpkin Cinnamon Rolls


Monday November 3, 2014 
Recipes: Barefoot Contessa’s Chicken StockPioneer Woman’s Pumpkin Cinnamon Rolls

In the last year we have made Chicken Stock 4 times. This was our largest batch yet, yielding 16 quarts of stock which we split.  We will use it all before the end of the year making our holiday meals, soups and stews.


While the stock was simmering away on the stove we turned our attention to the cinnamon rolls.  Christina started the dough about 2 hrs before Heather arrived.  This way it was ready to be rolled out and filled while Little “M” took his nap. The Pioneer Woman gives great step by step instruction on her website for this recipe, she even has a Cinnamon Roll Guide.  She makes a few variations of her rolls, last year we made her basic Cinnamon Rolls . They tasted delicious but we had a difficult time with them.  The dough came out way to sticky and at one point there was butter and sugar oozing down the front of Christina’s kitchen island.

One year later we have learned a lot cooking/baking together.  If you watch the Pioneer Woman’s cooking show you will notice that she does not level off every cup of flour.  She is a home cook who has been making recipes all her life and know just how much ingredients to use.  For this 2nd attempt at Cinnamon Rolls Christina was less exact with measuring the flour.  She simply added a bit more flour after the 1st raise to achieve the right consistency.  This time the dough came out perfect.






Christina decided to bake 2 tins of rolls and Heather baked 1 tin.  The recipe called to frost the rolls as soon as they came out of the oven, which we did, then we proceeded to eat 1/2 a tray.


The rest of the trays were put into our freezers un-baked. They will be pulled out and baked/frosted as we need them for the holidays.


Next Week:  Chili & Spice Cookies

Chicken Stock & Chocolate Chip Cookies


Monday: February 17, 2014 

Recipes: Barefoot Contessa Chicken Stock & Chocolate Chip Cookies

Every 6-8 weeks Heather and I make chicken stock, you can read our previous post here.  We have it down to a science now,  we use 3 large stock pots to simmer the chicken bones and vegetables in, then use a large roasting pan and colander to strain all the bones/solids out.  We bought the same freezer containers to make dividing the stock easy. We like to use square containers because they stack well in the freeze.  The 2 cup size allows us to pull smaller quantities from our freezer as we need it.

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Sweet Potato


Monday January 13, 2014
Recipes: Martha Stewart’s Sweet Potato Pie & Barefoot Contessa’s Roasted Vegetable Soup

Where is the Chili? Well today’s menu was supposed to be Chili & Oatmeal Cookies, but one of the kids is sick. With 3 kids between us, age 6 and under, this will happen often.  Instead we decided to post a menu we made last fall.

Every Monday we typically make more than one dish.  Our goal is always to make Monday’s dinner, but we also love to bake! This particular Monday we decided to cook with sweet potatoes.  Since it was early December and cold outside we chose a Roasted Winter Vegetable Soup and a Sweet Potato Pie.

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Ham Soup

Ham Soup

Monday January 6, 2014

Today was our first Monday Morning Meal in 2014.  After spending weeks cooking and baking for the holidays, we decided to keep things simple.  We looked to our fridge and pantry for inspiration, our goal was to make a budget one pot meal using what we had.  Since we both served a Christmas Ham and saved the bone, soup was a perfect choice!

The soup on the Left was made by Christina and is a Pasta e Fagioli.  The Soup on the Right was made by Heather and is a Ham, Kale and Lentil soup.  It took use about 30 minutes to get the ingredients prepped and into the pots.  We spent the rest of the morning planning the next few weeks of Monday Meals and playing with the kids!   By noon the house smelled great and we did a taste test of both…. Yummy!


Next Week:  Chili & Oatmeal Cookies

Turkey Stock

Turkey Stock

Monday: December 2, 2013
Recipe:Barefoot Contessa Chicken Stock

This is our go to stock recipe. It calls for 3 whole chickens, but we think there is just as much flavor by only using leftover bones. Every time we roast a chicken or buy a rotisserie at the market, we save the bones. When we have about 5-6 chickens worth, we make gallons of this stock.

The Monday after Thanksgiving was a great day to replenish our supplies of Stock. The turkey bones added so much flavor to the original recipe.

Posted: Christina